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This is the first project for the International Business and Tourism' students of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon. Here you will find some facts about me.


  1. Wow, this looks so good, I love the way you organized it. It seems you have experience on it.

  2. It's amazing how you could do it, continuous doing very well your things and you'll get your goals.

    1. I bet it my bro. Thanks for your good vibes by the way!

  3. You did a great job dude! Love the colors you used on this blog and the pics you have uploaded.

  4. You really like musis huh? I see on your weekly activities that you do things while listening to music. I love music too

  5. It is a good presentation, I consider you are going to have an amazing future doing it.Congratulations!

  6. Sweetie, your blog looks amazing. Hope everything you'll get good grades. See you soon, your birthday is coming!

  7. Hello! I just wanted to tell you that you seem to be good with languages and that I miss you. I really want to see you again. I haven't seen yoy since the pandemic started. Anyways I hope you are okay! :(

  8. Hey, your blog is really interesting. Now I know a little more about you haha. Don't forget to do your homework and drink water too. See you soon.
    Love you.

  9. Check that out! Your blog is getting a 5 stars rate in my opinion. Greetings!

  10. Good presentation Sebas 👍, I liked it. I'm proud of you😉

  11. Hey!! Nice job my friend, keep up the good job!!!

  12. Excellent work Sebastian, I am proud of you. Congratulations! Keep going 👍👍👍

  13. I think your blog is interesting, it shows me how intelligent, creative and skillful you are to organize your work and studies.. I can tell you are a good human being and a great professional sooner.
    Good luck in everything you do..
    I do love you and Happy 18th birthday!!! 👏👏👏👨‍💻😘

  14. Amazing job, congratulation!! I'm really so interested in this blog . good luck Sebastian!!

  15. Hello c :, good work, everything very neat and interesting, great haha

  16. Nice blog. You're so clever and efficient. Congratulations and successes!!!

  17. Happy birthday Sebastian. Congratulations! 🥂

  18. proud of you dear nephew Sebastian. successes and blessings

  19. Very good Sebastián. Congratulations! 👍

  20. Hey Sebastian I like your blog, it is very interesting, it helped me to know more about you, keep it up, blessings.

  21. great blog, you did a great job, you are someone very productive keep it up, Greetings and success.

  22. Hi Sebastian, I can see the effort you put in your blog, I like the color combination of your design, not to mention that it has good content, you are an interesting person, mate. Great job✨

  23. You are such a nice person. I really like your blog,seems like you have experience on it. I hope you get good grades, by the way.😎👌

  24. Wow, congratulations Sebastian! You managed to create a blog. You did it great by the way. I'm impressed by your level of English as well.

  25. You did a good job! I see you create your own imagesfor your blog. I takes time I know. Anyways, you managed to complet it. See you soon.

  26. I know you from the childhood. I really miss you, I miss the neighborhood you know. Those good old days

  27. I am pleasantly surprised by the design of your blog and your way of working dear Sebastian, very good results are coming for you from now on, son. I congratulate you and it is always you 😘

  28. I really like the order and organization of your work, a very good presentation and with good development, good luck

  29. Well, I think blog are an opportunity to say what we've never shared in with someone in public. And I see your blog is interesting. The way you filled it with images is awesome. I really like it

  30. I've notice your dedication on your blog. You didn't fill it with words but your images speak out for themselves. You did a great job!

  31. good job Sebastian. You always very prominent in the studio, keep trying, I know you will go very far. We go for more.

  32. Oh, you are studying International Business, that's interesting. I see your blog and your images and I can say from the less I know you, that you are kind, creative, and so much more. You impressed me with this blog because of the way you organized it.

  33. Oh cousin, I'm proud of you, you always do beautiful jobs, I admire you and I love you very much. I want you to teach me how to make a blog to create my own. You are very creative. 👏👏👏💪

  34. Nice job, Sebastian. Keep doing better and adding more interesting facts. Greetings from Lima 👍

  35. excellent work, it shows that you have put a lot of work and dedication to your project !!


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